Photo by Emily Soti Photography

Other notable performances include a concert of music for viola and Soprano, Samuel Barber’s Hermit Songs, the First Witch in Dido and Aeneas, Frasquita in Carmen, Tigrane in Radamisto, and Mozart’s Exsultate, Jubilate with the Vesuvius Chamber Orchestra in Halifax, NS.

Lauren holds a Bachelor of Arts with Combined Honours in Music and Early Modern Studies from University of King’s College and Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS). She wrote her honours thesis on the humanist thought of the Florentine Camerata and the origins of opera in the Italian Renaissance. She also holds a Master of Music in Literature and Performance from Western University (London, ON) where she studied with John McMaster.

Lauren lives  in London, ON together with her Husband and their two cats, Rita and Pearl. When she is not singing, Lauren is a Tabletop Roleplaying Game designer and editor. She is the co-curator of the Gold ENNIE award-winning TTRPG Safety Toolkit and publishes games under the name Starving Soubrette. To find out more about her work in Tabletop gaming, visit

About Lauren

Soprano Lauren Bryant-Monk’s (She/Her) love affair with classical music started at just seven years old. One day, the Canadian Opera Company came to visit her school and that very afternoon, she marched up to her mother and announced “I want to be an Opera Singer!” She has been chasing that dream ever since.

Lauren was a member of the Arcady Emerging Artist program in 2019 and since then she has been a regular fixture in their programming, performing solo and chamber works for voice. Additionally, she has given three world premieres of works written by Arcady director Ron Beckett.

Lauren has a long history of collaborating with Canadian composers. These collaborations have included premiering Tamsin Michael Robson’s cantata Delirium Amoris for Soprano and Viola and singing the role of Adèle Hugo in La Belle Adèle by Sophie Dupius in Vocalypse Production’s Opera from Scratch program.